Advanced Guide

Custom Spans In Tracing

GoFr's built-in tracing provides valuable insights into application's behavior. However, sometimes you might need even more granular details about specific operations within your application. This is where custom spans can be used.

How it helps?

By adding custom spans in traces to your requests, you can:

  • Gain granular insights: Custom spans allow you to track specific operations or functions within your application, providing detailed performance data.
  • Identify bottlenecks: Analyzing custom spans helps to pinpoint areas of your code that may be causing performance bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Improve debugging: Custom spans enhance the ability to debug issues by providing visibility into the execution flow of an application.


To add a custom trace to a request, GoFr context provides Trace() method, which takes the name of the span as an argument and returns a trace.Span.

func MyHandler(c context.Context) error {
    span := c.Trace("my-custom-span")
    defer span.Close()
    // Do some work here
    return nil

In this example, my-custom-span is the name of the custom span that is added to the request. The defer statement ensures that the span is closed even if an error occurs to ensure that the trace is properly recorded.

Check out the example of creating a custom span in GoFr: Visit Github