Advanced Guide

Remote Log Level Change

GoFr makes it easy to adjust the details captured in the application's logs, even while it's running!

This feature allows users to effortlessly fine-tune logging levels without the need for redeployment, enhancing the monitoring and debugging experience. It is facilitated through simple configuration settings.

How it helps?

  • Effortless Adjustments: Modify the log level anytime without restarting the application. This is especially helpful during troubleshooting.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Easily switch to a more detailed log level (e.g., DEBUG) to gain deeper insights into specific issues, and then switch back to a less detailed level (e.g., INFO) for regular operation.
  • Improved Performance: Generating a large number of logs can overwhelm the logging system, leading to increased I/O operations and resource consumption, changing to Warn or Error Level reduces the number of logs, and enhancing performance.


To enable remote log level update, users need to specify the following configuration parameter:

REMOTE_LOG_URL=<URL to user's remote log level endpoint> (e.g.,
REMOTE_LOG_FETCH_INTERVAL=<Interval in seconds> (default: 15)
  • REMOTE_LOG_URL: Specifies the URL of the remote log level endpoint.
  • REMOTE_LOG_FETCH_INTERVAL: Defines the time interval (in seconds) at which GoFr fetches log level configurations from the endpoint.

NOTE: If not provided the default interval between the request to fetch log level is 15 seconds.

Remote Log Level Endpoint

The remote log level endpoint should return a JSON response in the following format:

  "data": {
    "serviceName": "test-service",
    "logLevel": "DEBUG"
  • serviceName: Identifies the service for which log levels are configured.
  • logLevel: The new log level user want to set for the specified service.

GoFr parses this response and adjusts log levels based on the provided configurations.