GoFr Configuration Options
This document lists all the configuration options supported by the GoFr framework. The configurations are grouped by category for better organization.
Name | Description | Default Value | |
APP_NAME | Name of the application | gofr-app | |
APP_ENV | Name of the environment file to use (e.g., stage.env, prod.env, or local.env). | ||
APP_VERSION | Application version | dev | |
LOG_LEVEL | Level of verbosity for application logs. Supported values are DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, FATAL | INFO | |
REMOTE_LOG_URL | URL to remotely change the log level | ||
REMOTE_LOG_FETCH_INTERVAL | Time interval (in seconds) to check for remote log level updates | 15 | |
METRICS_PORT | Port on which the application exposes metrics | 2121 | |
HTTP_PORT | Port on which the HTTP server listens | 8000 | |
GRPC_PORT | Port on which the gRPC server listens | 9000 | |
TRACE_EXPORTER | Tracing exporter to use. Supported values: gofr, zipkin, jaeger, otlp. | ||
TRACER_HOST | Hostname of the tracing collector. Required if TRACE_EXPORTER is set to zipkin or jaeger. | DEPRECATED | |
TRACER_PORT | Port of the tracing collector. Required if TRACE_EXPORTER is set to zipkin or jaeger. | 9411 | DEPRECATED |
TRACER_URL | URL of the trace collector. Required if TRACE_EXPORTER is set to zipkin or jaeger. | ||
TRACER_RATIO | Refers to the proportion of traces that are exported through sampling. It is optional configuration. By default, this ratio is set to 1. | ||
TRACER_AUTH_KEY | Authorization header for trace exporter requests. | Supported for zipkin, jaeger. | |
CMD_LOGS_FILE | File to save the logs in case of a CMD application | ||
SHUTDOWN_GRACE_PERIOD | Timeout duration for server shutdown process | 30s |
Name | Description |
REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Set the request timeouts (in seconds) for HTTP server. |
CERT_FILE | Set the path to your PEM certificate file for the HTTPS server to establish a secure connection. |
KEY_FILE | Set the path to your PEM key file for the HTTPS server to establish a secure connection. |
Name | Description | Default Value |
DB_DIALECT | Database dialect. Supported values: mysql, postgres | |
DB_HOST | Hostname of the database server. | |
DB_PORT | Port of the database server. | 3306 |
DB_USER | Username for the database. | |
DB_PASSWORD | Password for the database. | |
DB_NAME | Name of the database to use. | |
DB_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTION | Number of maximum idle connection. | 2 |
DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNECTION | Number of maximum connections which can be used with database. | 0 (unlimited) |
DB_SSL_MODE | Currently supported only for PostgreSQL, with Default certificate file. | disable |
Name | Description |
REDIS_HOST | Hostname of the Redis server. |
REDIS_PORT | Port of the Redis server. |
REDIS_USER | Username for the Redis server. |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password for the Redis server. |
REDIS_DB | Database number to use for the Redis server. |
Name | Description | Default Value |
PUBSUB_BACKEND | Pub/Sub message broker backend | kafka, google, mqtt, nats |
Name | Description | Default Value |
PUBSUB_BROKER | Comma-separated list of broker addresses | localhost:9092 |
PARTITION_SIZE | Size of each message partition (in bytes) | 0 |
PUBSUB_OFFSET | Offset to start consuming messages from. -1 for earliest, 0 for latest. | -1 |
KAFKA_BATCH_SIZE | Number of messages to batch before sending to Kafka | 1 |
KAFKA_BATCH_BYTES | Number of bytes to batch before sending to Kafka | 1048576 |
KAFKA_BATCH_TIMEOUT | Time to wait before sending a batch to Kafka | 100ms |
CONSUMER_ID | Unique identifier for this consumer | gofr-consumer |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | Security protocol used to communicate with Kafka (e.g., PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL) | PLAINTEXT |
KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM | SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512) | None |
KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME | Username for SASL authentication | None |
KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD | Password for SASL authentication | None |
KAFKA_TLS_CERT_FILE | Path to the TLS certificate file | None |
KAFKA_TLS_KEY_FILE | Path to the TLS key file | None |
KAFKA_TLS_CA_CERT_FILE | Path to the TLS CA certificate file | None |
KAFKA_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY | Skip TLS certificate verification | false |
Name | Description |
GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID | ID of the Google Cloud project. Required for Google Pub/Sub. |
GOOGLE_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME | Name of the Google Pub/Sub subscription. Required for Google Pub/Sub. |
Name | Description | Default Value |
MQTT_PORT | Port of the MQTT broker | 1883 |
MQTT_MESSAGE_ORDER | Enable guaranteed message order | false |
MQTT_PROTOCOL | Communication protocol. Supported values: tcp, ssl. | tcp |
MQTT_HOST | Hostname of the MQTT broker | localhost |
MQTT_USER | Username for the MQTT broker | |
MQTT_PASSWORD | Password for the MQTT broker | |
MQTT_CLIENT_ID_SUFFIX | Suffix appended to the client ID | |
MQTT_QOS | Quality of Service Level | |
MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE | Sends regular messages to check the link is active. May not work as expected if handling func is blocking execution |
NATS JetStream
Name | Description | Default Value |
NATS_SERVER | URL of the NATS server | nats://localhost:4222 |
NATS_CREDS_FILE | File containing the NATS credentials | creds.json |