
Testing REST APIs with GoFr

Testing REST APIs ensures that your endpoints function correctly under various conditions. This guide demonstrates how to write tests for GoFr-based REST APIs.

Mocking Databases in GoFr

Mocking databases allows for isolated testing by simulating various scenarios. GoFr's built-in mock container supports, not only SQL databases, but also extends to other data stores, including Redis, Cassandra, Key-Value stores, MongoDB, and ClickHouse.

Example of Unit Testing a REST API Using GoFr

Below is an example of how to test, say the Add method of a handler that interacts with a SQL database.

Here’s an Add function for adding a book to the database using GoFr:

// main.go
package main

import (

type Book struct {
	Id    int    `json:"id"`
	ISBN  int    `json:"isbn"`
	Title string `json:"title"`

func Add(ctx *gofr.Context) (any, error) {
	var book Book

	if err := ctx.Bind(&book); err != nil {
		ctx.Logger.Errorf("error in binding: %v", err)
		return nil, http.ErrorInvalidParam{Params: []string{"body"}}

	// we assume the `id` column in the database is set to auto-increment.
	res, err := ctx.SQL.ExecContext(ctx, `INSERT INTO books (title, isbn) VALUES (?, ?)`, book.Title, book.ISBN)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	id, err := res.LastInsertId()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return id, nil

func main() {
	// initialise gofr object
	app := gofr.New()

	app.POST("/book", Add)

	// Run the application

Here’s how to write tests using GoFr:

// main_test.go
package main

import (


	gofrHttp ""

func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
	type gofrResponse struct {
		result any
		err    error

	// NewMockContainer provides mock implementations for various databases including:
	// Redis, SQL, ClickHouse, Cassandra, MongoDB, and KVStore.
	// These mock can be used to define database expectations in unit tests,
	// similar to the SQL example demonstrated here.
	mockContainer, mock := container.NewMockContainer(t)

	ctx := &gofr.Context{
		Context:   context.Background(),
		Request:   nil,
		Container: mockContainer,

	tests := []struct {
		name             string
		requestBody      string
		mockExpect       func()
		expectedResponse any
			name:        "Error while Binding",
			requestBody: `title":"Book Title","isbn":12345}`,
			mockExpect: func() {
			expectedResponse: gofrResponse{
				gofrHttp.ErrorInvalidParam{Params: []string{"body"}}},
			name:        "Successful Insertion",
			requestBody: `{"title":"Book Title","isbn":12345}`,
			mockExpect: func() {
					ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO books (title, isbn) VALUES (?, ?)`).
					WithArgs("Book Title", 12345).
					WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(12, 1))
			expectedResponse: gofrResponse{
			name:        "Error on Insertion",
			requestBody: `{"title":"Book Title","isbn":12345}`,
			mockExpect: func() {
					ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO books (title, isbn) VALUES (?, ?)`).
					WithArgs("Book Title", 12345).
			expectedResponse: gofrResponse{
			name:        "Error while fetching LastInsertId",
			requestBody: `{"title":"Book Title","isbn":12345}`,
			mockExpect: func() {
					ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO books (title, isbn) VALUES (?, ?)`).
					WithArgs("Book Title", 12345).
					WillReturnError(errors.New("mocked result error"))
			expectedResponse: gofrResponse{
				errors.New("mocked result error")},

	for i, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {

			var req *http.Request

			req = httptest.NewRequest(

			req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

			request := gofrHttp.NewRequest(req)

			ctx.Request = request

			val, err := Add(ctx)

			response := gofrResponse{val, err}

			assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedResponse, response, "TEST[%d], Failed.\n%s", i,


  • Mocking Database Interactions: Use GoFr mock container to simulate database interactions.
  • Define Test Cases: Create table-driven tests to handle various scenarios.
  • Run and Validate: Ensure that your tests check for expected results, and handle errors correctly.

This approach guarantees that your database interactions are tested independently, allowing you to simulate different responses and errors hassle-free.
