

GoFr supports injecting Dgraph with an interface that defines the necessary methods for interacting with the Dgraph database. Any driver that implements the following interface can be added using the app.AddDgraph() method.

// Dgraph defines the methods for interacting with a Dgraph database.
type Dgraph interface {
	// Query executes a read-only query in the Dgraph database and returns the result.
	Query(ctx context.Context, query string) (any, error)

	// QueryWithVars executes a read-only query with variables in the Dgraph database.
	QueryWithVars(ctx context.Context, query string, vars map[string]string) (any, error)

	// Mutate executes a write operation (mutation) in the Dgraph database and returns the result.
	Mutate(ctx context.Context, mu any) (any, error)

	// Alter applies schema or other changes to the Dgraph database.
	Alter(ctx context.Context, op any) error

	// NewTxn creates a new transaction (read-write) for interacting with the Dgraph database.
	NewTxn() any

	// NewReadOnlyTxn creates a new read-only transaction for querying the Dgraph database.
	NewReadOnlyTxn() any

	// HealthChecker checks the health of the Dgraph instance.

Users can easily inject a driver that supports this interface, allowing for flexibility without compromising usability. This structure supports both queries and mutations in Dgraph.

Import the gofr's external driver for DGraph:

go get


package main

import (



func main() {
	// Create a new application
	app := gofr.New()

	db := dgraph.New(dgraph.Config{
		Host: "localhost",
		Port: "8080",

	// Connect to Dgraph running on localhost:9080

	// Add routes for Dgraph operations
	app.POST("/dgraph", DGraphInsertHandler)
	app.GET("/dgraph", DGraphQueryHandler)

	// Run the application

// DGraphInsertHandler handles POST requests to insert data into Dgraph
func DGraphInsertHandler(c *gofr.Context) (any, error) {
	// Example mutation data to insert into Dgraph
	mutationData := `
			"set": [
					"name": "GoFr Dev"
					"name": "James Doe"

	// Create an api.Mutation object
	mutation := &api.Mutation{
		SetJson:   []byte(mutationData), // Set the JSON payload
		CommitNow: true,                 // Auto-commit the transaction

	// Run the mutation in Dgraph
	response, err := c.DGraph.Mutate(c, mutation)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return response, nil

// DGraphQueryHandler handles GET requests to fetch data from Dgraph
func DGraphQueryHandler(c *gofr.Context) (any, error) {
	// A simple query to fetch all persons with a name in Dgraph
	response, err := c.DGraph.Query(c, "{ persons(func: has(name)) { uid name } }")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Cast response to *api.Response (the correct type returned by Dgraph Query)
	resp, ok := response.(*api.Response)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response type")

	// Parse the response JSON
	var result map[string]any
	err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Json, &result)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return result, nil